Why Do You Need A Fire Alarm?

Fire Alarm

As specialists of Fire Alarm Systems in London with over three decades of experience, it's fair to say we know a thing or two about the advantages and benefits of installing a fire alarm. So if you're unsure if you should install a fire alarm on your premises, here is a quick list of 3 reasons why you need one.

Installing A Fire Alarm – 3 Reasons Why

1. Fire Can Cause Significant Damage
Whilst fire detection systems won't provide a 100% guarantee that your premises won't catch fire, they are a very valuable addition to your fire prevention measures. Many offices decorate the premises with artificial plants; did you know that artificial plants (such as an artificial Christmas tree) can be overcome with fire in less than a minute?

Just think of all the damage a fire could cause to your property. Expensive electronics ruined, furniture destroyed, even items of priceless sentimental value such as family photographs aren't safe from a fire. However, this is not the only damage caused by fire, in addition to the physical impact there's also the human cost, think about the mental health of everyone involved and their families; even if everyone is physically unharmed, a fire could seriously impact their mental health.

Considering that some fire alarm systems can be very affordable with both cheap installation costs and quick installation times, it's hard to argue against installing a fire alarm system. It's simply not worth the risk not to.

2. Early Warning Is Essential For Evacuation
In the event of a fire, it's of upmost importance that everyone evacuates as quickly as possible in an orderly manner. As such, an early warning is essential. However, it isn't always enough just to have a warning that there is a fire 'somewhere'. Often, you need specific information, after all a group of people could in their attempt to evacuate, run right towards the fire itself.

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In these circumstances, a wide range of fire alarms can be of use, such as Analogue Addressable Systems which makes it significantly easier to identify where the alarm is coming from.

However, if you're searching for a fire alarm system which will provide a very early warning, sometimes signalling an alert before smoke is visible in the air, Air Sampling systems are the ideal choice. This system actively pulls air from the room into a detection chamber where it tests for the presence of smoke. This allows the detector to alert those on site to the presence of smoke during the very early stages of combustion, and thus can result in alerts before smoke is even visible.

3. You Have Legal Responsibilities
If a fire occurs during your business hours, it is essential that all personnel present understand their responsibilities during the evacuation. The individual designated as a 'responsible person' has a legal responsibility which is of upmost importance. If this responsibility is not correctly followed, there are serious consequences, this can include but is not limited to prison sentences.

However, fire escape plans don't have to be complex, simple fire actions posted in easily visible places and staff training may be sufficient. However, a fire risk assessment is a valuable tool to identify risks and make sure you are legally compliant. For example, if your business employs individuals with disabilities such as a wheelchair user, you will need to ensure that your evacuation procedures addresses their needs and provides methods of evacuation that allow them to swiftly leave the premises in the event of an emergency.

What About Environments Where Conventional Fire Alarms Are Unsuitable?

Some environments are unsuitable for conventional fire alarms. For example, magnetic resonance imaging rooms in hospitals or large warehouses which are designed in such a manner that it is un-feasible to mount a detector on the ceiling. In these circumstances, we would recommend warning systems such as the previously discussed Air Sampling detectors.

However, if you are in a location where wiring is prohibited, the ideal solution is a wireless fire alarm system. They also come with the added advantage of being significantly cheaper to install due to the lack of wiring. Diamond Fire And Security (UK) Ltd. provide EMS Radio Fire Systems, wireless fire alarm solutions from the UK's number one developer and manufacturer of wireless and hybrid fire detection products. Additionally, it's also important to note that all of these products are EN54-25 third party approved and carry the CE Mark confirming compliance with all applicable EU directives.

How Can Diamond Fire And Security (UK) Ltd. Help?

If you're located in London, Bedford, Bedfordshire, or Milton Keynes and you're interested in a fire alarm installation service, get in touch with our team of experts. Our team has over 30 years of experience operating within the fire detection industry. As such, our experts are on hand to provide a wide range of solutions including both conventional, analogue-addressable systems, and early warning systems such as Air Sampling detectors. Additionally, our alarm installations are guaranteed parts and labour for Two Years, subject to maintenance in order to meet with the requirements of BS5839.

If you would like to make an enquiry or if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch and speak to a member of staff. You can contact us by calling 01234 825018, or you can contact us by email by sending any questions you have to us at info@diamondsecurity.co.uk.


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Diamond Fire & Security (UK) Ltd.

29 Lincroft Oakley Bedford MK43 7SS

Tel:+01234 825018